Monthly Archives: September 2020

Journal entry #4

September 26th 2020

This week, we only had one class. We submitted our first drafts of our technical descriptions. As I said in the previous entry, I made it more focused on the subject matter, taking out anything irrelevant, however, looking back at it after submitting, it felt a little bit boring. In the professors email, he said to make it more engaging and grabbing. I’m not exactly sure on how drastically i need to change everything, but I am going to add one or more graphic, and maybe organize the information better.

Journal Entry #3

September 21st 2020

In last week’s first class, we had to brainstorm and free write about the objects or mechanisms we chose. And in the second class, we made an outline for the technical description. I felt like i added a little bit too much irrelevant information, and I also added my opinions, which are not supposed to be in technical descriptions. So, in the draft that we had to write after, I took out all what I thought was unnecessary and kept the description a little more focused on the subject.

Journal Entry #2

September 10th, 2020

For the first class of this week, we each wrote about one of the principles of ethical communication and write up a scenario where it would be important. It was a pretty interesting topic. I chose not misleading readers as the most important to me. Later we chose an object or mechanism for our technical description assignments. I choose cherry mx red keys as a mechanism. On the second class of the week we wrote about who our audience would be for the descriptions as well as our purpose.

Journal Entry #1

September 3rd, 2020

Analysis of an Article Assignment

This week, we from chose articles that we found interesting and had to write why we thought so, and later had to write an analysis of it identifying the various parts of it. We also picked one of the skills/qualities of successful workplace communicators to be the most important and wrote why we picked it, then had to create a fictional scenario where we use that skill. I piked ability to solve problem because i thought pretty much always come in handy, but others had some pretty good points on their picks as well.