Monthly Archives: November 2020

Journal Entry #10

November 21st, 2020

In Thursday’s class, we had to post the topic of our proposals in less than 300 words. We also had to post a possible source that we could use for our proposals. The topic we chose here had to be our final topic and we can’t change it later. I was okay with this as, after doing some research on it, I am fairly confident with the new topic I chose, which was installing electric vehicle charging stations across New York City. I am continuing to do research on it, however, I am struggling on starting the proposal itself or the draft, or rather where or which part to start at. I’m doing a lot of research but not writing down as much. I really need to get started on writing the content, but I did make the structure of the proposal in Word.

Journal Entry #9

November 19th 2020

For Tuesday’s class, we had to refine our ideas for topics we had last week. We were to post a progress update on our topic ideas. After reading the assignment description on the course site, I realized that my topic had to be limited to New York City. My original idea was about improving the internet infrastructure across the nation, so I couldn’t use it. I was considering making the topic about improving the internet in New York City only, but the internet infrastructure in New York is already pretty good. So, I decided to scrap the idea and go with establishing electric car charging stations across new york city. This would help reduce the amount of pollution caused by vehicle emissions, by promoting the use of electric cars. I feel a little bit more comfortable writting about this compared to my original idea.

Journal Entry #8

November 13th 2020

This week we got a day off on Tuesday’s class and got more time to work on our lab reports. I finished my report a few days prior, so I just fixed some spelling and grammar mistakes and submitted it today. On Thursday’s class, we had to think of the topic and the audience for our proposal assignments. We will get more details about it, next class. The topic I chose was providing internet to more places across the country and improving the internet infrastructure in general. I really believe that this would help our country overall to progress.

Journal Entry #7

November 5th, 2020

Today we submitted the drafts for our lab reports. Admittedly, I was pretty stumped with this assignment. I wasn’t sure how I was supposed to write my topic – which was about how online tests adapt to rampant cheating – in the format of a lab report. After looking at the lab report drafts of my two classmates and some other students, I decided to change up my topic. I am now going to write about how readily and easily students think they will cheat. I made a poll on google forms and sent the link on to the discord servers of some of my classes that the students made.